The only Hausa female contestant the BBNaija season show, Aisha Umaru, popularly known as Kaisha, was in tears in the diary room during a one-on-one session with big brother. The young entrepreneur from Sokoto alleged that there were a lot of fake people in the house. When Big brother asked her about her opinion of other housemates and how they were getting along, she replied: “Everyone is fake here, they are all just acting up.
“They would be nice today and the next thing they are not nice. “It is just three days and all these things are happening. “Fake friendship, laughter, conversation for me. “At first, I thought Erica was cool with me but then she changed towards me. “Right now, I’m not bonding with anyone. “It is making the house tense and that’s not what I expected. “I expected the house to be fun but clearly, it’s not.” She, however, expressed optimism that things would get better as the show continues.
Responding, Biggie advised Kaisha to learn to adapt and strive despite all odds. “Sometimes, life throws things at us unexpectedly. “It is left to you to adapt and strive. “Big brother believes you have what it takes to survive in the house and that is why he chose you.” With 10 more weeks to go for the BBNaija season 5, will the 25-year old entrepreneur from Sokoto be able to cope in the house and emerge as the winner of the lockdown edition?
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